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I'm the author of ten novels and a book of short stories. Tap on the covers for more.
The REBOOT series.
Three award-winning novels that tell the story of a fatal infection that sweeps the world and threatens to wipe out civilisation. A group of young people fight to hold onto what's important.
NB. This series was written and published before Covid. It's not the story of that pandemic, although there are parallels.
The LEOPARD'S BANE series.
The city of Chamaris is ruled by a wealthy and corrupt family. Two sons contend to impress their father and be chosen to inherit his power and his fortune. But the pair are very different, and one has the help of an amazing girl.
Conflict, pursuit, betrayal, excitement, and a final twist at the end.
Four stand-alone titles. Tap of the covers to know more
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